Another Universe
All stories are by Rochelle Theresa Brown.
Characters not invented by me are the sole property of Procter and Gamble Productions.
This is an "anything goes", highly experimental section. Stories which were seen on ANOTHER WORLD may be changed; characters who never met may interact; characters may act out of character; there might be some crossovers with other shows; AW characters might find themselves in stories based on other works, and I might have stories here that contradict each other. I reserve the right to go a bit (or a lot) crazy here! :) Some of these stories are serious, some are humorous, and some are just plain silly! 
CAR BOMB: A story in several versions.
These stories were inspired by, and are very loosely based on, events in the last episode of Season Four of THIRD WATCH. Each version contains a lesson for Josie, whether she admits it or not!
VERSION ONE A Double Drabble
WARNING! Part of this version may seem a bit silly, but, after all, it's AU!
WARNING! This story contains graphic, albeit mild, violence. The envelope really gets pushed here, but, as I said before, "anything goes" in AU.
(The events in VERSION 3 from Joe's viewpoint.
The ending for this version will probably surprise you.
A nanofiction where I change a story seen on ANOTHER WORLD.
Josie gets her
JUST DESSERTS when she tampers with the food at CARLINO'S. (An old story with a new name)
WARNING! This is one of my tongue-in-cheek stories!
A certain character argues with a certain writer in this Insertion Fic.
Joe tells Josie "You Have To Take Your Medicine" in this nanofiction/sillyfic. (Published simultaneously on my NANOFICTION page.)
MODEL COP {Revised version posted on April 4th, 2006}
This story combines Josie's careers as a cop, and a model. What happens when Joe finds out who the stalker really is? WARNING! Some envelope-pushing here!(BEG)
JOSIE'S REVENGE on a certain writer has unexpected consequences
in this insertion fic. Several vignettes are included within the story.
Grant brings in Joe's
Paolo Caselli, to make Joe look corrupt. Will his plan succeed?
All My Children character crossover.
HAIL TO THE CHIEF: A Nanofiction
"Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States..."
Josie gets what turns out to be
'ROUND THE WORLD in this partly humorous, partly serious story.
THE GUN This is a revision of GUILT; I've changed the parts that I felt didn't ring true.
FAIR IS FAIR This is a gentler version of THE GUN.
GUILT A harsher version of THE GUN. {This is not the story named GUILT that appeared here awhile ago.}
Cass and Felicia host a
CELEBRATION AT THE ZOO in this drabble/sillyfic.
A product gets a NEW SLOGAN
in this story, written in script form, which takes place in 1990 during Josie's modeling career.
A Drabble Another World/Quincy M.E. crossover
TOO SOON? A drabble
Frankie, Ryan, Michael and Bridget come BACK FROM THE DEAD
in this double-drabble sillyfic.