This is a work of fan fiction, written by Rochelle Theresa Brown for entertainment purposes only, and not for profit. All characters are the sole property of Procter and Gamble Productions.
This work is under copyright.


This story takes place in August, 1996
"Poor Cass," she thought, folding the newspaper. "What a horrible way for him to lose Frankie."

She realized almost at once that she was grieving more for Cass' loss than for Frankie's death. She wished she could be there to comfort him.

"To comfort him?" she asked herself. "Just to comfort him?"

She had to face the truth. Deep down, she was hoping that Frankie's death would give her a second chance with Cass. She felt ashamed, but there it was.

"It's too soon, much too soon," she thought. "Give him time to heal."

But Kathleen knew that she would return to Bay City.