This is a work of fan fiction, written by Rochelle Theresa Brown for entertainment purposes only, and not for profit. All characters are the sole property of Procter and Gamble Productions.
This work is under copyright.

Frankie, Ryan, Michael and Bridget come


in this double drabble sillyfic.

Cass woke up one morning to find two women in bed with him. One was his late (evidently not so late after all) wife, Frankie. The other was Lila, whom he had married on June 25th, 1999. Cass had a definite feeling of deja vu.
"Oh, great," a groggy Cass mumbled. " Just what I need. Another wife coming back from the dead. Here we go again."
"What are you talking about, and, more to the point, what is she doing in my bed?" Frankie demanded.

Grant was having an awkward moment. He didn't know what to say to Ryan. What can you say to your brother after you've shot and killed him?
"Ryan!" he blurted out. "What are you doing here? You're dead."
"Where did you get an idea like that?" Ryan asked.

"But you can't be here!" Donna gasped. "You and Shane Roberts were killed in a car crash."
"Shane Roberts?" Michael repeated, obviously puzzled. "Who's Shane Roberts?"
"And you were murdered in the hospital," Donna continued.
"Nonsense," Bridget answered. "Now how about a nice cup of tea?"
Yes, folks, in an unprecedented case of collective amnesia, Frankie, Ryan, Michael and Bridget had all forgotten that they were dead.